School Community

July 21, 2022 2024-05-30 5:48


Meet SchoolTalkz's community for schools to engage and showcase talents in safe space

100% Positive with no cyberbullying and negativity

For the New Gen

Making it fun for students to engage and become social without negativity and cyberbullying

Students & Staff voice matters

Got something to say and want to share with all your school peers?
School Talkz is the perfect place for you!

Gamified Engagement &

Gamified engagement to create engaging posts. Not only stars, but some amazing rewards too.

Interactive Polls

Create interactive polls for your campus and get opinions from parents and staffs in a click.

Creative Challenges

Our challenges are curated for all classes and in a diverse of categories starting from Communication, Art, Social, Science, Coding and More.

Engage your Students and make Schooling fun

Identify Unique Talents

Provide a platform for your Students and Staff to explore their unidentified talents and nourish them positively.

KID Friendly Platform

All the contents are safely moderated by the school leaders and also AI moderation on all text, photos and videos shared.

Our Customers

Increase your school engagement rate more than 80%

Increased involvement
Real Rewards for Value Creation